Philips Heartstart FRx semi-automatic AED with FREE accessories

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Philips Heartstart FRx defibrillator

Philips SMART Biphasic technology enables individual treatment, based on specific casualty needs, increasing their survival rates following a cardiac arrest. The IP55 rating of the FRx maximises protection against dust and water and it’s sturdy design can withstand weights of over 200 kilos.  On top of this, the FRx is showerproof and offers protection against accidental dropping.

  • Strong protective carry case
  • Sturdy, reliable defibrillator for use in all types of environment
  • Preconnected SMART Pads that can be used on both adults and children
  • Wireless Data Transfer for easy transmission of information
  • Flashing display screen indicates the correct position for electrode pad placement on the casualty
  • CPR coaching guides you through the CPR resuscitation process
  • SMART Analysis to assess the patients heart rhythm
  • SMART Biphasic technology enables treatment to be centred around each individual casualty
  • 4 year battery


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