Working with Pesticides

Working with Pesticides PA1, PA2a and PA6

Anyone that uses a knapsack or boom sprayer must have the training & assessment.

PA1 Pesticides Training Course: Safe Use of Pesticides

This is a one-day foundation course to be taken in conjunction with PA6 (Hand Held Applicator Pesticides Training Course) which is a further one day. PA1 covers the theory aspect of the safe use of pesticides and is classroom based. These training courses are designed for anyone who needs to apply pesticides in a public place for a recognised appropriate qualification. Candidates must attend this PA1 training course and one other PA training module in order to gain a certificate of competence.

PA1 cannot be taken as a standalone qualification; it must be taken in conjunction with one other course PA2a and PA6 are ideal courses to gain this qualification.

PA2a Pesticides Training Course: Boom Sprayer

This is a one-day practical pesticide training course. The training will focus on safe practice, routine maintenance and calibration of the machine & field operating techniques.

PA6 Pesticides Training Course: Hand Held Applicator

This is a one-day practical pesticides training course which is workshop based and specifically working with a knapsack sprayer. The training will focus on safe practice, routine maintenance and calibration of the knapsack.

PA1 is a 1 day classroom based course; candidates must successfully pass PA1 before being assessed for PA2a or PA6.

PA2a is a 2 day course, 1 day classroom based and 1 day Assessment City & Guilds NPTC

PA6 is a 2 day course, 1 day classroom based and 1 day Assessment City & Guilds NPTC

For candidates who wish to attend both PA2 and PA6 this is a 5 day course

Maximum 6 per group

For a copy of the Legislation please visit our resources page.

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Pesticides Training Course