PQF Testing

Testing & Certification
Pat O Brien Safety

Portacount Quantitative Fit Testing

Pat O Brien Safety is delighted to add face fit testing to it extensive range of services. We are dedicated to the delivery of Face Fit Testing services to help companies comply with the requirements of legislation and industry regulations.

We offer comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitative on-site RPE face fit testing services.

Our Mask Integrity testing services are delivered by a team of professionally qualified and highly experienced face fit testers equipped with the latest Tsi diagnostic testing technology.

Legislation relating to RPE is contained in Chapter 3 of Part 2: Personal Protective Equipment of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No 299 of 2007). These regulations require the provision and assessment of PPE in the workplace.

Face fit testing is a method for checking that a tight fitting face piece matches the person’s facial features and seals adequately to the wearer’s face.

The IS EN 529:2005 standard also includes fit testing when assessing the suitability of RPE.

Whatever the size of your organisation, we have the experience and the professional capability to deliver well managed and reliable service.

POBS understands the importance of a healthy workforce.

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